Install locally or in VPS

1. Extract files

Extract into your local web server's root directory.

2. Setup environment file
  • Create .env file from .env-example file.
  • Run php artisan key:generate to set the APP_KEY value in your .env file.
  • You need to change the following information into your environment .env file.
    • APP_NAME - Name of your Application.
    • APP_URL - Change this to your website URL or localhost. Ex http://localhost:8000
    • APP_TIMEZONE - Change this to your timezone. List of Supported Timezones
    • DB_HOST - Put your database hostname here.
    • DB_PORT - Put your database port here if it does not default to 3306.
    • DB_DATABASE - Change it to your database name.
    • DB_USERNAME - Name of your database user.
    • DB_PASSWORD - Password of your database user.
  • Some features such as newsletter, password recovery or new users email confirmation need to set up mail configuration and update the following variables.
    • If you are using Mailgun, You need to update MAILGUN_DOMAIN and MAILGUN_SECRET variables.
3. Setup Database
  • If you want to using sample data:
    • Create a new database.
    • Import database.sql you will be able to find it within the main zip file.
  • If you don't want to use sample data:
    • Run php artisan migrate --seed to create database structure.
4. Run Server
  • Run php artisan storage:link to create a symlink for storage files.
  • Run php artisan serve to run the server.