Latest version

Upgrading To 1.4.0 From 1.3.0

1. Clear cache
  1. Delete framework folder from storage folder.
2. Update files
  1. Extract file into your web server's root directory, and choose to replace old files with the new ones.

Upgrading To 1.3.0 From 1.2.0

1. Clear cache
  1. Delete framework folder from storage folder.
  2. Delete build folder from public folder.
2. Update files
  1. Extract file into your web server's root directory, and choose to replace old files with the new ones.
  2. Add a new line contains APP_TIMEZONE=Africa/Cairo in your environment .env files, then replace Africa/Cairo with your timezone. List of Supported Timezones
  3. Replace with your domain in robots.txt file located in public folder.
3. Update database

We recommend you to take a backup of your data before editing the database.

  1. In posts table.
    1. Set keywords column to nullable and set the default value to NULL.
    2. Remove time_to_read column.

Upgrading To 1.2.0 From 1.1.0

1. Clear cache
  1. Delete framework folder from storage folder.
  2. Delete build folder from public folder.
2. Update files
  1. Extract file into your web server's root directory, and choose to replace old files with the new ones.
3. Update database

We recommend you to take a backup of your data before editing the database.

  1. Add 3 columns to config table.
    1. hero_section_layout column of type int(11) and with default value 2.
    2. hero_section_background column of type varchar(255) and set null to TRUE.
    3. hero_section_description column of type varchar(255) and set null to TRUE.

Upgrading To 1.1.0 From 1.0.0

We recommend that you take a backup of your data before updating database, then import the backup data into the database again.

# Updating Dependencies

Laravel 10 requires PHP 8.1.0 or greater.

# Files that need to be replaced
  1. app/Console/Kernel.php
  2. app/Http/Controllers/CategoryController.php
  3. app/Http/Controllers/Settings/AnalyticsController.php
  4. app/Http/Kernel.php
  5. app/Models/Category.php
  6. app/Providers/AuthServiceProvider.php
  7. app/View/Components/Sidebar.php
  8. composer.json
  9. composer.lock
  10. database/migrations/2022_10_06_184746_create_categories_table.php
  11. database/migrations/2022_10_17_144701_create_comments_table.php
  12. phpunit.xml
  13. resources/views/categories/create.blade.php
  14. resources/views/categories/edit.blade.php
  15. resources/views/categories/index.blade.php
# Folders that need to be replaced
  1. node_modules
  2. vendor
# Database tables
  1. categories table
# Rename files
  1. Rename userHasRoles.php to UserHasRoles.php located in app/Http/Middleware folder.
  2. Rename navbar.php to Navbar.php located in app/View/Components folder.
  3. Rename comments.php to Comments.php located in app/View/Components folder.
# Clear cache

This step is important when you upgrade from version to another. You must clear the cache because it contains files from the old version and thus increases the possibility of error messages appearing.

  • Using command
    1. Run php artisan view:clear command.
    2. Run php artisan cache:clear command.
  • Clear cache manually
    1. Delete framework folder from storage folder.
    2. Put framework folder again into storage folder, but from the new update files.